Monday, August 13, 2012

Website updates!

Post from the past

Now with 100% less placeholders

I got a couple of complaints about the old style of the site so I consulted with a marketing coordiator I happen to live with and came up with both a new site and a logo for the RDA. The website still a work in progress, but it's slowly edging closer to being done and it is very exciting.

The original icon had the plug for the ethernet facing upwards, as you could probably see from the previous post. After thinking about it (and more consulting), the logo changed to what it is now. I really wanted the image to symbolize what this project is and I think the unmistakable symbol overlaid with an ethernet is a fairly good distillation of what this RDA does and is. I also wanted to subtly incorporate themes from the Twilight caste, and hopefully that comes through with the image as well. With that bit of work done, and the stabilization of not only the website but also the source control and Qt, I feel much better about moving on.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Icon has cheezburger

Post from the past

RDA logo and icon in the works

In addition to a site overhaul, I've started work on the RDA logo. Inkscape is surprisingly easy to use and the learning experience has been fun so far. I hope to have it done soon so I can resume work on the actual RDA.

Also of note: Qt has been picked up by Digia, which is good news indeed. I look forward to the eventual release of Qt5!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

First blog entry

Post from the past

Not much to look at yet

Welcome to the RDA dev blog. In the following days, I'll be adding some old news to keep a complete history of development up to this point. They will have their own titles and I will try to set the date properly, but this is the real first post of the new site. I've taken a small break from coding (before I work on getting the Qt reactor working with Twisted) and I have been refreshing my memory on web dev. This project has really been teaching me things, it has been fun picking up some new tricks in CSS and HTML. My plan is to have the site in HTML 5.

This week turned up some troubling news as well. Apparently, Nokia has shut down their Australian offices which makes me worried about the future of QML. I was really looking forward to the beta release of Qt 5 and the new QML additions it would bring, but this seems to explain the delay. Not much to do except wait and see how things play out, I'm afraid.

Notes from the future

This was technically the first post of the old GitHub based dev blog.  Now that I'm using Blogger, hopefully I'll never have to backfill again!