Thursday, July 26, 2012

QTReactor meltdown

Post from the past

More fun with QT

So, more fun things. qtreactor has been removed from Twisted due to licensing issues and has not yet been replaced. This is a problem since both qt and twisted have calls that start their event handlers that are blocking. Good times. There seems to be a push to convert the old qtreactor to pyside, so I will see if I can use that as a stop gap for now.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Fun times with QT

Post from the past

Learning QML

Notes from the future: I set up a sandbox to learn and play with QML while I tried to decide what I should use for the RDA gui. I had a few rquirements, but the most important of them was that it mesh well with Python. It really came down to Qt (through pyside) or JavaFx (through jython). Both seem to be in a state of flux right now (some more than others, apparently *coughQtcough*). In the end I went with QML because I started to really like the declarative syntax and the things they were promising for Qt 5 (an updated graphics stack, openGL stuff, etc) seemed really appealing to me (plus, if the project ever does get converted to a language that is closer to the metal like C++, Qt can handle that, while JavaFx has little recourse).

Friday, July 6, 2012

sqlite up the night

Post from the past

RDA now has a way to save settings

Created a settings class for storing settings categorically using a sqlite backing database using the system specified settings location (for instance: "~/.rda/settings.sqlite3" in POSIX systems)

7/7/2012: Now with unit tests!

Notes from the future

... because pickle isn't good enough, right?

The settings module is probably the best documented piece of code in the system.  Unfortunately, it is also probably the most useless.  Granted, as a learning experience, it was worth the time and effort, so I've kept it in use, and until I have a compelling reason to stop using it, I will probably keep it around.  Every project needs some quirks, right?

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The website is up!

Post from the past

Welcome to the official website of the RDA!

Welcome to the Resplendent Digital Assistant's website! This news post marks the completion of the migration to github! The site is still very much a work in progress but hopefully there will be a lot more changes very soon! The news section will is intended to be a collection of offical information about the current state and planned updates to the RDA.

Unfortunately, this isn't much to say yet. The RDA is still in development and has a little way to go yet before there is even a version 0. For less official information and updates, check the blog.