Post from the past
Learning QML
Seriously QML, no radius option if you are clipping?
Notes from the future: I set up a sandbox to learn and play with QML while I tried to decide what I should use for the RDA gui. I had a few rquirements, but the most important of them was that it mesh well with Python. It really came down to Qt (through pyside) or JavaFx (through jython). Both seem to be in a state of flux right now (some more than others, apparently *coughQtcough*). In the end I went with QML because I started to really like the declarative syntax and the things they were promising for Qt 5 (an updated graphics stack, openGL stuff, etc) seemed really appealing to me (plus, if the project ever does get converted to a language that is closer to the metal like C++, Qt can handle that, while JavaFx has little recourse).
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